Honky Tonk Saturday Night

Interpret: Petr Kocman & Jamie Marshall a Amplified Acoustic Band


Rok: 2019

Autor: Jamie Marshall / Jamie Marshall


                        Monday morning comes around too soon

Feels like it's going home time but it's barely noon

Drag my ass from here to there

Marking time, goin' nowhere

Saturday seems like a year away


                        Tuesday, through to Friday just the same

The five day drag is draggin'on again

Foreman says You're workin late It's jammed up on the Interstate

Wish that I could tell him where to go


                        Saturday Night  

Saturday Night

Turn up the honky tonk music and turn down the lights

            Saturday Night

Saturday Night

Been waitin' five long days for a honky tonk Saturday night


                        Saturday I hit the bar round 8

Friends are here, I've got a beer

I'm on home plate

            S          Shoot some pool and shoot the breeze

Work my days for nights like these

Saturday Night Honky Tonk Soiree